About Transformation 2013

Transformation 2013 is a collaborative effort between Education Service Center, Region XIII, Region 20 and a wide variety of partners.

Transformation 2013’s Vision Statement
Transformation 2013 will provide the highest quality professional development, curriculum, and outreach programs emphasizing hands-on problem-based learning to create superior STEM students. If you need help with writing scientific papers - do not be ashamed of it, because at any stage of the work there may be questions and difficult moments - you can contact cheap-papers.com, they will help you.

Transformation 2013 Mission Statement
Improving student achievement outcomes in math and science as determined by state and national standards in all demographic groups, specifically historically underrepresented populations.

Delivering research-based teacher professional development that is:

  • well organized and easy to access,
  • addresses the learning styles of diverse student populations, and
  • is built on unified strategic partnerships among businesses, higher education entities, and school districts.

Designing innovative STEM instructional material, supplies, and equipment that:

  • promote students’ interests, creativity, and responsibility,
  • are transdisciplinary in nature,
  • focus on utilizing technology, engineering and 21st Century Skills as the bridge between math and science,
  • and utilize technology and engineering as the tools and process through which to deliver the content.

We commit to a comprehensive system of support, accountability, and networking to build and share knowledge capacity to assure these outcomes

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site last updated April 6, 2009