



Welcome to Transformation 2013's STEM resource page. We hope you find valuable resources around STEM education, if the information on our site is not complete, use essayswriters.com. If you have a great STEM resource you would like added, please contact us.

STEM Science Resources

General STEM Resources

Practical Uses of Math and Science
offers more than 60 one-page examples of how science and math can be used in interesting settings and everyday life. Topics include clouds (why they float), social security benefits (algebra), Pythagoras theorem (cabinet corners), ice sheets and sea level, logarithms, matching birthdays (statistics), natural selection and a scavenger hunt, photons, traffic signals (probability), seasons (causes), volcanic clouds, wind chill (algebra), and more. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

Engineering Design Challenges
presents challenges faced by NASA engineers who are developing the next generation of aerospace vehicles. The challenges: thermal protection systems, spacecraft structures, electrodynamic propulsion systems, propellers, and personal satellite assistants. Students design, build, test, re-design, and re-build models that meet specified design criteria, using the same analytical skills as engineers. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

LEGO Design and Programming System
introduces a bilingual program that teaches engineering to the K-14 curriculum by combining traditional teaching methodologies with the use of the popular LEGO building blocks and the more specialized, programmable LEGO Dacta modules. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

provides more than 500 lessons and activities for teaching engineering content in K-12 science and math classes. Topics include oil and energy consumption, water and electricity, mass and volume, various energy sources, heat transfer, solar heating systems, collisions and momentum, electrons, cellular respiration, biomedical engineering, and more. Lessons connect real-world experiences with concepts and skills already taught in K-12 classrooms.

is a portal about engineering and engineering careers, that helps students, teachers, parents and counselors understand what engineering means, and how an engineering career can be made part of their future.

looks at the work of engineers: using fundamental science to design and develop new devices and systems to solve societal problems. Learn how engineers help improve health, national security, and the economy and how they are exploring nanotechnology.

Problem Based Learning
CASES Online is a collection of inquiry-based lessons to engage K-12 students in exploring the science behind real-world problems. Through CASES, you can transform your students into motivated investigators, self-directed and life-long learners, critical thinkers and keen problem solvers. The cases are grounded in Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Investigative Case-Based Learning (ICBL), and related student-centered pedagogies.


Texas 4 X 4 Resources

Texas Education Agency End of Course Test (EOC)
provides information regarding End of Course testing.


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site last updated April 6, 2009